Informace o přihlášce ke studiu

Ing. Tomáš Holer

Genetic structure of urban and nature populations of the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra): analysis of functional connectivity (2020-2022)

Řešitel: Ing. Tomáš Holer

Amphibians are the most threatened group of vertebrates, mainly affected by the habitat loss and fragmentation, due to their complex habitat requirements. Habitat fragmentation creates migration barriers, resulting in isolated populations with low genetic variability and limited or none gene flow. Despite the high level of fragmentation and prevalence of urban areas, there are several populations of fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra) in Prague and its surroundings. To preserve the populations of an endangered amphibian in a dynamic environment of a capital city, it is necessary to gain knowledge about their genetic structure and functional connectivity, which are the main goals of this project. To increase the scale of our research, functional connectivity of fragmented urban populations in Prague (as example of big city) will be compared with that of populations in Ústí nad Labem (smaller town) and populations from continuous distribution in nature environment of Křivoklátsko PLA and around Chocerady.

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