MSc. Roberto Chiara

Current distribution and strains identification of an amphibian pathogen with enhanced methodology in the Czech Republic (2021-2023)

Řešitel: MSc. Roberto Chiara

Chytridiomycosis is considered one of the major drivers of global amphibian extinctions with more than 500 species decline. The responsible are chytrid fungi Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and salamandrivorans (Bsal). Several lineages of Bd, which differ in virulence, have been found around the world including the CR. However, there is a lack of knowledge which lineage is present in the country and we do not know current Bd distribution. Thus, we plan to: (i) compare the past and current presence of Bd in the CR, (ii) detect the lineage of the pathogen and (iii) develop a new approach that allows Bd detection in the field by using the environmental DNA and portable device

Genie II (LAMP technique). Because eradication of emerging diseases is based on fast and costeffective detection of pathogens, comparative between standard (swab + qPCR) and new approach (eDNA + LAMP) will be performed. Our findings will help to establish cheap and fast methods to detect the pathogen and prevent its spread.

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