Roman Juras
Roman works as a hydrologist at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague. He is mainly interested in the hydrology of snow, but also in other issues related to snow and its importance for nature. His research focuses mainly on the dependence of water resources on snow water, water retention in snow and avalanches. Recently, however, he has also been working on the sustainability of artificial snowmaking. In his career so far, he has worked in Davos, Switzerland, Innsbruck, Munich and the Arctic. As he is also a keen skier, he is also interested in the future of snow from a sporting perspective.
Pavla Dagsson Waldhauserová
Pavla is the president of the Icelandic Aerosol and Dust Association (ICEDUST) and teaches courses related to air pollution and climate at the Agricultural University of Iceland, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and University of Iceland. Pavla received joint-degree PhD from the University of Iceland and the Agricultural University of Iceland focusing on dust aerosol and dust storms in Iceland in combination with dust-cryosphere interactions. Pavla is the lead of UArctic Thematic Network on High latitude Dust and published >50 scientific papers. Her research localities include both the Arctic (Iceland, Finland) and Antarctic (James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula) and Greenland, partially focusing also on snow and snow/ice impurities.
Ali Nadir Arslan
Dr. Ali Nadir Arslan is currently a senior scientist at the Arctic Space Centre under Space and Earth Observation Department of the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Finland since 2009. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the School of Technology and Innovations of the University of Vaasa in Finland. Dr. Arslan is delivering PhD. course , entitled, “ Remote Sensing and Its Applications in Cryospheric Applications since 2018 and supervising Ph.D. students at the Politecnico di Milano, Polimi in Italy. His scope of interests is remote sensing and its applications. Dr. Arslan received his first degree in Electronics and Telecommunication at the Istanbul Technical University and his Ph.D. in Space Technology at the Helsinki University of Technology in 2006. Dr.Arslan had also a long experience in the private sector as he worked 10 years in Nokia Research Center during 1999-2009. Dr. Arslan has coordinated many scientific projects and thematic networks collaborating with both the public and private sectors. Dr. Arslan is the Finnish Delegate of the European Space Programme Committee- Copernicus User Forum.
Leena Leppänen
Leena has been working as a researcher at the Arctic Space Centre of Finnish Meteorological Institute in Sodankylä since 2012. In January 2020, Leppänen completed her PhD in the Doctoral Programme in Atmospheric Sciences at University of Helsinki in geophysics. In 2021-2025, she had a postdoc position at the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland in Rovaniemi in the H2020 funded CHARTER project. Her current research is related to snow properties, microstructure, rain-on-snow, and citizen science snow observations. Her work includes field measurements in Finland and in Antarctica.
Outi Meinander
Outi is a researcher at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, Finland, in the aerosols and climate research group. Her work focuses on understanding cryosphere-atmosphere interactions and feedbacks in the polar regions. This includes changes in snow albedo, black (soot) and organic carbon in snow (originating from various anthropogenic and natural sources like transport, industry, wild fires) and dust (e.g., natural high latitude dust sources, citizen science campaign of Saharan dust in Finland, new: mining dust). She is an adjunct professor at the Arctic Centre, Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, and gained her PhD from Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki (ATM-DP of INAR). She has conducted research in Arctic (Iceland, Finland, also H2020 EU-Interact Faroes, Scotland and Sonnblick) and has solar instruments in the Antarctic Peninsula (Marambio), snow samples include also Greenland.
Jan Komárek
Jan is an assistant professor at the Department of Spatial Sciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU). His research focuses on the usability of an optical remote sensing (RS) domain for various vegetation analysis, microclimate and microtopography modelling. Jan teaches courses on RS, GIS, image-matching, and applications of UAVs. He coordinates several national applied projects utilizing RS in everyday practice.
David Christian Finger
David Christian Finger, MSc and PhD graduate from ETH Zürich, has over 30 years of experience in sustainable energy development. For the past decade, he has been a professor at Reykjavík University, specializing in hydropower, snow and glacier hydrology, and water resources management. His research combines field observations and climate change projections to develop innovative, sustainable solutions that balance environmental conservation with societal needs.
Daniele Stefano
Daniele Stefano graduated with honors in Landscape Architecture from Sapienza University of Rome in 2016. He received his PhD in Landscape and Environment in 2022 with a thesis on representation in landscape design, while collaborating on teaching with Professors Fabio Di Carlo and Franco Zagari. He was secretary of IASLA (Italian Scientific Society of Landscape Architecture) from 2018 to 2022. He is currently a Lecturer at Landbúna?arháskóli Íslands, The Agricultural University of Iceland, Faculty of Planning and Design, supervising landscape design studios and international researches. He has been invited to give lectures at institutions such as the Université de Liege, the University of Genoa and the University of Camerino.
Vojtěch Moravec
Vojtěch is a hydrologist researcher at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague. His main research topics are droughts from various points of view – recent droughts compared to past drought episodes. And since he is a passionate skier, mountaineer and mountain rescue volunteer, he also practices snow hydrology in terms of water retention in snow, avalanches and the future of snow in general and artificial snowmaking. Monitoring of water balance and snow in various natural environments is also a non-negligible part of his career. During his career, he also studied at Mid Sweden University and did his internship at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.