Team News
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Employ of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for pharmaceuticals in constructed wetlands
New article by Jan Vymazal's team in the Journal of Hazardous Materials

COST Action CA17133 Circular City first meeting at BOKU, Vienna
Jan Vymazal join the COST Action CA17133 Circular City as a MC member

Two new PhD students attend Kostelecké inspirování conference 2019
Xuejing Kang and Tongxin Ren attended Kostelecké inspirování conference 2019 on 14-15 November

Int. Symposium on Aquatic Ecological Degradation and Ecological Remediation
We attended the International Symposium on Aquatic Ecological Degradation and Ecological Remediation

PhD student study abroad
Our PhD student Shanshan Hu went to the Department of Biology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Conference on Diffuse Pollution in Korea
Jan Vymazal attended 19th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication in Jeju, Korea