Team News

A hint for conservation: Diet-specialized mammals more threatened by humans
Global-scale study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B journal

IENE International Conference Prague 2024 was hosted at our University
IENE took place September 9-13, 2024

Keep an eye out for the bird specialist! The more picky the bird is, the smaller distribution range it has
New paper by Morelli's team in the Journal of Biogeography

Urbanization impoverishes bird communities also by reducing the evolutionary uniqueness of species
A new article by Federico Morelli's team in iScience

Which birds are most affected by deforestation for agriculture?
Federico Morelli co-authored a global study in Nature Ecology & Evolution

Collaboration with French researchers in agroecology
Farmland birds conservation in a changing world. Community Ecology & Conservation started a new international collaboration.

Federico Morelli is one of the speakers at IBS 11th Biennial Conference in Prague
The 11th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society was held at at the Prague Congress Center in Prague, Czechia, from January 7-11th, 2024

Federico Morelli a guest in TISS2 symposium
Tersys Implanteus Summer School took place on June 14 to 16 in Avignon

Prof. Morelli shared results with European experts in Hungary
Frontlines of Urban Conservation and Restoration event was held on March 22, 2023

New GACR project in agroecology and conservation
The Community Ecology & Conservation team won a new GACR project in collaboration with the Charles University.

Birds in Latin American cities respond to humans differently than in Europe
New article by Morelli's team in the Science of The Total Environment

Our editor promotes a special issue for women scientists in a scientific journal
Inaugural special issue of Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution targets women

Federico Morelli appointed member of the IENE Expert Committee
Infrastructure & Ecology Network Europe links experts from all continents

Sacred oak woods increase avian diversity and specialization, our team is reporting
Community Ecology and Conservation team's article in the Journal of Environmental Management

GACR: Results of the project Effects of urbanization on avian diversity
F. Morelli's team recapitulates the project from 16 European cities

FES a member of the Bird@Farmland initiative by the European Commission
Our team participates on Conservation Science for Flagship Birds

Distribution of dietary specialization is congruent with bird species richness
Article by F. Morelli's team in the Conservation Letters

Urban biodiversity website / GACR project number 18-167385
The website of the GACR project focusing the effects of urbanization on biodiversity.
Can Human Structures Help Birds? - Popular Science based on our research
We know that human-made structures can have negative impacts on bird populations. Can they be designed to benefits birds instead?

Research visit to the Fuller Laboratory at Queensland University
Collaboration with Richard Fuller, one of the most influential conservation ecologists

Topic editors in FEE
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Research Topic: Partitioning the effects of urbanization on biodiversity

Invited lecture II - Halle, Germany
Transportation structures effects on alien/invasive species distribution