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Field research of nanosorbent geochemistry and ecotoxicology in soils

Our project group recently started a small-scale field experiment at our experimental site in the CZU campus in Suchdol. The main goal is to study the nano zero-valent iron geochemical and mineralogical changes in soils accompanied by microbial changes in the soil-sorbent-microorganism system. Nanoiron slurry was applied in two contrasting soils, metal-contaminated and non-contaminated. Plastic pipes were used to separate different time steps for sample collection. Moreover, sorbent layers were buried in each soil type for further mineralogical investigations. A set of chemical, mineralogical, and microbial analyses will be performed to assess the performance of nanosorbents and demonstrate metal(loid) behaviour patterns in real field conditions.

Refer to the international Czech Science Foundation project No. 21-23794J called “Performance comparison of innovative metal(loid) nanosorbents in smelter-polluted soils: Geochemical and ecotoxicological benchmarks”.

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