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Opening the isotope fractionation black box

A review on metal isotope fractionation after surface complexation has been published in Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology by the members of our EIG group. It took four rounds of reviews so it is worth reading!

The number of studies using various stable isotope systems for tracing contamination sources and various biogeochemical processes is rapidly rising due to the increased availability of the techniques used for isotope analyses. However, in most cases, the resulting isotope data are influenced by many processes occurring within reactive environmental compartments, e.g., soils and sediments, such as sorption, precipitation, redox changes, interactions with plants and microorganisms, etc.

Komárek M., Ratié G., Vaňková Z., Šípková A., Chrastný V., 2021. Metal isotope complexation with environmentally relevant surfaces: Opening the isotope fractionation black box. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2021.1955601

Read the paper here.

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