Renaissance of traditional methods in applied habitat and biodiversity protection
Call invites authorities to participate in groundbreaking initiatives aimed at water management and adaptations. Deadline by Oct. 16
The conference takes place September 9-13, 2024, sumbit your abstracts by April 15
The field trip took place on November 10, 2023
The article in the European Journal of Forest Research is online
MetalRem project managers met on Oct. 5, 2023 at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Lecture title: Aid and development, life as an environmental consultant
May 10, 2023, 10:30 in room ZII
Colleagues from the Vytautas Magnus University will give lectures on April 18, 2022
The joint project of CZU with Technische Universitat Dresden and Universita di Bologna organized the first meeting on January 23-25
We capture metals contaminating groundwater
We are deepening the cooperation of Czech and Nordic scientists
The professional public meeting took place on September 21, 2022
Markéta Hendrychová awarded for positive impact on the community
Infrastructure & Ecology Network Europe links experts from all continents
The event takes place on Sep. 19, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. in room D222
CULTIVATE investigates cultural heritage-cultural landscapes connections in four UNESCO Biosphere Reserves
Topic: Biodiversity crisis in a changing world
Early Birds registration ends on May 31, 2022!
Date: September 17, 2021
Place: Online, MS Teams
Registration deadline: September 10, 2021
Festivals are back, and so is our research
Field work of the Behavioral Ecology research group
Participants from Velké Hostěrádky farm on 2,000 ha of land
F. Morelli's team recapitulates the project from 16 European cities
The 1st international ON-LINE workshop under V4 Biochar Platform and NUTRIMAN project
Look into our fieldwork near Ústí nad Labem!
Our team participates on Conservation Science for Flagship Birds
The Insect Ecology Team present its research and nature conservation activities on website and FB
Three fundamental/applied research projects of our group successfully funded!
New 3-year project “Co-creating cultural narratives for sustainable rural development” with the University of the Highlands and Islands, UK, starts in June 2021
New 5-year H2020 project with the James Hutton Institute, UK
Watch interesting videos from bird boxes
Diplomatic mission continues negotiations with major Colombian universities
Meet the author on Dec. 11, 2019 at 3pm at room D220 (MCEV II)
We help reduce the environmental impact of mass event
We accompany the Environment Minister to Peru and Colombia
"Land and Poverty: Catalyzing Innovation" took place March 25-29 in Washington
New publication by Z. Musilová et al. in Biological Conservation
The team member Kamila Svobodova and Petr Ocelik (Masaryk University) are conducting the GACR research project in Australia
The topics of water management and sustainable urbanization will be discussed on May 23
Research led by our team published in Nature Communications
A multidisciplinary team of prof. Hejcman collaborates on excavations of biblical cities in Israel
FES with its partners launched a three-year OWAD project
Alena Walmsley team examines selected areas of forest reclamation
New publication in Molecular Ecology
Workshop including presentations of the results of our Norway grants project (CZ09 Czech-Norwegian Research Programme) ISOFIN
The FES has recently acquired two types of unmanned aerial systems (UAS)
Ostrava region in Upper Silesia at the Czech-Polish border belongs to the most contaminated sites in Europe
A grant application to the Czech Science Foundation „Soil moisture and runoff droughts in a changing climate“ prepared by our team in cooperation with CzechGlobe successfully passed evaluation and got financial support for 2016–2018.
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