Global-scale study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B journal
An exceptional guest will present a very current topic on Feb. 25, 10:00 in ZI
Changing Home Places - Spatial Imaginaries and Humanising the Green Recovery
by Lukáš Jačka and Marta Kuželková, KVHEM, on Friday, November 8th at 10.30 am in Z1
Farmland bird population declines: patterns, drivers and possible solutions, Thu 10.10. at 10:30, room Z1
New paper by Morelli's team in the Journal of Biogeography
The results of the Peter Mikula and Martin Bulla team were published by the journal Communications Biology
Join the BEAST project supported by a the European Research Council prestigious grant
Dean prof. Komárek awarded the authors of the best 2023 publications.
Lecture by Prof. Meththika Suharshini Vithanage will be held in room D424 on April 29 from 10 am
Lecture by civil engineer and sustainability expert Prof. Alhan, University of Instanbul, on Wednesday, 3rd April 2024 at 10.30 am in Z2
A new article by Federico Morelli's team in iScience
Seminar by an expert in constructed wetlands to celebration of World Wetlands Day on Jan. 31
Federico Morelli co-authored a global study in Nature Ecology & Evolution
Final Spots Available at a Special Reduced Price for the Winter School on Snow Hydrology and Avalanche Prevention!
15th year of the popular event will take place on Nov. 27-28, 2023
Martin Bulla's team publishes research on the ruff sandpiper
The project supported by IGA FŽP is led by PhD student Adéla Hemelíková in Sumatra
Deadline for the applications is September 3, 2023
Lecture title: Aid and development, life as an environmental consultant
May 10, 2023, 10:30 in room ZII
New article by Morelli's team in the Science of The Total Environment
The prestigious Highly Cited Researchers 2022 ranking evaluated almost 7,000 scientists from around the world
Inaugural special issue of Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution targets women
We would like to draw your attention to an interesting summer school for doctoral students or young researchers, which will be held on September 16 and 17, at the NTK premises in Prague.
Dean prof. Bejček awarded the authors of the best 2021 publications.
The ERC Consolidator Grant will support the project "Biodiversity dynamics across a continuum of space, time and their scales"
Topic: Biodiversity crisis in a changing world
Early Birds registration ends on May 31, 2022!
Global conservation in a changing world. Register by Oct.15
Festivals are back, and so is our research
Community Ecology and Conservation team's article in the Journal of Environmental Management
Field work of the Behavioral Ecology research group
F. Morelli's team recapitulates the project from 16 European cities
New paper by Moudrý et al. in the Landscape and Urban Planning
Great accomplishment in Environmental Science & Technology!
Read our publication here.
New article by Jan Vymazal's team in the Journal of Hazardous Materials
The role of Fe- and Mn-based soil amendments in pollution mitigation
Read our publication here.
Contribute to Nanomaterials, an international peer-reviewed open access journal!
Article published in the Environmental Research Letters
Contribute to Minerals, an international peer-reviewed open access journal!
Our team participates on Conservation Science for Flagship Birds
Nový článek o geomorfologii pobřežních dun
Review by E. González published in the Conservation Biology
Article by F. Morelli's team in the Conservation Letters
The Insect Ecology Team present its research and nature conservation activities on website and FB
FES also deals with the world's only ecosystem that has its own international convention
Aarhus University-FES' Department of Applied Ecology cooperation
Through the REES, the FES supports scientists for up to three years
Extreme droughts increase with emissions (published in Scientific Reports)
Watch interesting videos from bird boxes
New publication in Scientific Reports
Diplomatic mission continues negotiations with major Colombian universities
Meet the author on Dec. 11, 2019 at 3pm at room D220 (MCEV II)
Collaboration with Richard Fuller, one of the most influential conservation ecologists
New publication by Z. Musilová et al. in Biological Conservation
Yannis Markonis contributes to a paper in Nature Communications.
The team member Kamila Svobodova and Petr Ocelik (Masaryk University) are conducting the GACR research project in Australia
The topics of water management and sustainable urbanization will be discussed on May 23
Research led by our team published in Nature Communications
A multidisciplinary team of prof. Hejcman collaborates on excavations of biblical cities in Israel
December 14th: Meet the world‘s leading researcher working on spatial ecology and eco-informatics
FES with its partners launched a three-year OWAD project
Alena Walmsley team examines selected areas of forest reclamation
FES’s project raised interest in a prestigious society
NSF grant for a team with FES
Nature Climate Change published the results of an international analysis
Phytoindication helps find medieval villages
Ladislav Šmejda's DeepDead project under international attention
FES project presented on prestigious conference
FES documented four individuals of the Red-vented Cockatoo in heavily accessible karst terrain around the town of Bilar, last seen in 2012
Prof. Miroslav Šálek and doctoral student Martin Sládeček contributed to a unique research study
11-12. November 2016, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
New publication in Molecular Ecology
Workshop including presentations of the results of our Norway grants project (CZ09 Czech-Norwegian Research Programme) ISOFIN
The FES has recently acquired two types of unmanned aerial systems (UAS)
Ostrava region in Upper Silesia at the Czech-Polish border belongs to the most contaminated sites in Europe
A grant application to the Czech Science Foundation „Soil moisture and runoff droughts in a changing climate“ prepared by our team in cooperation with CzechGlobe successfully passed evaluation and got financial support for 2016–2018.
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