Apply for study

The Best Places to Study in Prague

Let’s get through the semester together!

Study Smarter, Not Harder

Study tips by ambassador Eli

Erasmus+ Experiences from the Canary Islands

A Student's Journey on a Banana Plantation

Happy New Year from IRO

As we welcome the new year, we look forward to a future full of opportunities, growth, and academic excellence. 

Christmas at CZU

Experienced by international students

New Intranet for CZU Students – Your Place for all important information

Starting on September 30, 2024, CZU is launching a pilot version of Intranet for CZU Students.

IROICA Staff Training in Estonia

IROICA is a European network of international relations officers at Higher Education Institutions in agricultural and related sciences.

Review from employee mobility

Peter Kumble and Jakub Mlejnek visited University od Salford in Manchester, UK

The International Relations Office is closed until 5 July 2024

We look forward to seeing you again on 8 July 2024.

Visit of students from the American Academy

They attended a varied program that was prepared by colleagues from our faculty

Faculty scholarship for international mobilities 2024

Would you like to go abroad for a conference, training, summer school... but you lack funds?  

A delegation from the Indonesian Universitas Negeri Malang visited FZP

The memorandum extends cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics and Science

Application for Erasmus+ study stays 2024/2025

Deadline for the applications is 15 February 2024.

International Day in the Atrium of FZP

Everything you wanted to know about mobilities (but were afraid to ask) - 7 December 2023

Faculty International mobilities from the perspective of students #10

Post by student of Nature Conservation Samanta Torres from her field research in Congo

Tasking Tasting the Land

Summer School 2023

Interview with prof Huub Rijnaarts (Wageningen University, Deltares)

Lenka Wimmerová's interview with the chairman of the AquaConSoil conference took place on Sep. 13, 2023

Faculty International mobilities from the perspective of students #9

Post by Landscape planning student Elena Bondarenko, who previously completed Erasmus at the Wageningen University and who has now returned there for "Climate Information for Adaptation” summer school.

FZP student part of a workshop on sea turtle genetics in the Philippines

Doctoral student Adéla Hemelíková met colleagues in Manila thanks to foreign mobility

Faculty International mobilities from the perspective of students #8

Post by PhD student Muhammad Merei from the 2023 International SWAT Conference in Aarhus, Denmark

Faculty International mobilities from the perspective of students #7

Post by the student of Nature Conservation Ghada Sultan from The EGU General Assembly 2023 in Austria

Lecture: James Ramsay, expert in natural resource management

Lecture title: Aid and development, life as an environmental consultant
May 10, 2023, 10:30 in room ZII

Faculty International mobilities from the perspective of students #6

Post by student of Nature Conservation Ghada Sultan from her Erasmus+ Study stay at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Faculty International mobilities from the perspective of students #5

Post by a student of BEKOL Alisher Abylkassov from his study stay at Chonnam National University, South Korea

CZU submitted a proposal for the European University Initiative

The leading life sciences and agriculture universities in Europe now rise to the challenge for “LIFE: Euroleague for Life Sciences”, a true European University!

Additional selection procedure for Erasmus study stays 2023/2024

Deadline for the applications is 12 March 2023

Sign up for the ELLS Plant Health Challenges competition

Are you an MSc student interested in Plant Health? Then you should enter the ELLS student competition to find solutions to the grand challenges in Plant Health!

ELLS Summer Schools 2023

Unlock your potential and boost your future success with an ELLS Summer School experience!

Selection procedure for Erasmus study stays 2023/2024

The selection procedure will be held on February 2 and 3, 2023, room D324.

Faculty International mobilities from the perspective of students #4

Post by student of Environmental Engineering Fouad Farnisa from his Erasmus+ Internship at Wetsus in The Netherlands

Faculty International mobilities from the perspective of students #3

Post by student of Landscape Planning Baraa Khalil Mohamad from her course Visualisation and Modelling of Spatial Data (in R) at Radboud University, NL

Faculty International mobilities from the perspective of students #2

Post by PhD student Michela Perrone from her Summer School at Google Earth Engine Summer School in Florence, Italy

New programme videos!

We are proud of our new programme videos shot by our students.


Faculty International mobilities from the perspective of students #1

Post by PhD student Mayang Christy Perdana from her Summer school at the University of Tartu.

Arctic Festival in Iceland with the participation of FZP

We are deepening the cooperation of Czech and Nordic scientists

Open call for Start-up scholarship WS 2022/2023

The deadline for submitting the application is 15 October 2022

Office hours canceled

The International Relations Office cancels office hours on 27 October 2022.


Additional selection procedure for Erasmus study stays SUMMER SEMESTER 2023

The selection procedure will be held on September 8, 2022, room D324.

New IRO Instagram and Facebook page!

We would like to introduce our new Instagram and Facebook page: International FZP CZU (@iro_fzp_czu) led by our ambassadors. We will be pleased if you follow us.

Student Ambassadoring

A new activity we have just launched

Our ambassadors are willing to help you answer your questions. 

Write your thesis in Italy!

You can work on your diploma/bachelor thesis on a selected topic abroad at the Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (University of Naples Federico II) in Italy within the Erasmus+ internship program.

Special scholarship for international mobilities 2022

Would you like to go abroad for a conference, training, study stay, and you lack funds? FZP offers an exceptional faculty scholarship for international mobility held in 2022.

Our student´s experience from a study stay in Israel

Our student Karol Tohvrel spent the winter semester 2021/2022 at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.

Additional selection procedure for Erasmus study stays 2022/2023

The selection procedure will be held on March 3, 2022, room D324

Selection procedure for Erasmus study stays 2022/2023

The selection procedure will be held on February 2 and 3, 2022, room D324

Open Day online at CZU Prague

Join us on the 11 November 2021 and experience CZU Prague.


Open call for Start-up scholarship WS 2021/2022

The deadline for submitting the application is 15 October 2021

EAIE 2021 Community Exchange

We are attending the 2021 EAIE Community Exchange: virtual conference & exhibition. This inspiring and interactive event will bring together experts, speakers and the international higher education community for knowledge sharing, networking and a healthy dose of inspiration


Are you going to start your studies at FES (FŽP)? Get to know our faculty and your classmates on 14th October 2021 from 5 pm in front of lecture rooms ZI and ZII.

Summer Schools in cooperation with Euroleague for Life Sciences

Would you like to spend your summer among a group of international students? Then choose your summer school!


Erasmus practical internships even for fresh graduates

Was your Erasmus study stay cancelled or you change your mind? Do you want to gain some working experience during your studies? Do not forget about Erasmus internships!

FES a member of the Bird@Farmland initiative by the European Commission

Our team participates on Conservation Science for Flagship Birds

Selection procedure for internships in Russia

Are you interested in an internship in Russia? Can you speak Russian? Apply and participate in the selection procedure on March 19, 2021, at 9 o'clock.

Selection procedure for study stays in Israel

Are you interested in study in Israel? Or are you looking to study in a non-EU country? Do not hesitate to participate in the selection procedure on March 19, 2021, at 9 o'clock.

Internship in Berlin - Leaders for Future

Are you interested in paid internship in Berlin and get to know how to be a good leader? Submit your application by February 21, 2021

Selection procedure for Erasmus study stays

The selection procedure will be held online on February 2 and 3, 2021, from 9 am

Office hours are canceled until further notice

The International Relations Office cancels its office hours as a precautionary measure until further notice.

Czech-Colombian cooperation in environmental topics has begun

Diplomatic mission continues negotiations with major Colombian universities

Invitation to an online lecture by Seth Siegel

Meet the author on Dec. 11, 2019 at 3pm at room D220 (MCEV II)


Open call for Start-up scholarship WS 2019/2020

The deadline for submitting the application is 15 October 2019

Office hours of International Relations Office FES

There are no office hours from 1st August 2019 until 23rd August

International Relations Office FES has participated in IROICA Annual Conference 2019 in Vic, Spain

Topic of the conference was "The Impact of International Politics on the Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions"

FES is part of diplomatic mission to Latin America

We accompany the Environment Minister to Peru and Colombia

The World Bank conference with the participation of the FES

"Land and Poverty: Catalyzing Innovation" took place March 25-29 in Washington

FES strengthens Czech activities in the Pacific

We are developing cooperation in the Philippines and Guam

Czech-Israeli cooperation in the media

A multidisciplinary team of prof. Hejcman collaborates on excavations of biblical cities in Israel

Erasmus+ study stay

The selection procedure will take place 13th of December from 9 am in the room D424

Critically endangered cockatoo survives on Bohol, FES confirmed

FES documented four individuals of the Red-vented Cockatoo in heavily accessible karst terrain around the town of Bilar, last seen in 2012

3rd place at ELLS Scientific Student Conference

Student of FES, Teowdroes Kassahun Teka, won 3rd place in the competition for the best presentation at ELLS Scientific Student Conference

Selection procedure for Erasmus+ study stay and Erasmus+ traineeship/internship

Selection procedure will be held on Tuesday December 13th at 13:00, room No. D 424 (MCEVII)

Double degree between CZU FES and Cranfield University

There exists a unique opportunity to our FES students who may be interested in perusing a Double Degree

Adele Stanislavová was awarded the Minister of Agriculture

Congratulations to Adéla Stanislavová for being awarded the Ministry of Agriculture award for her masters thesis research

ELLS Scientific Student Conference

11-12. November 2016, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

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